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  • Tractel 1-Ton Corso Push Trolley | SKU 23319 photo

Tractel 1-Ton Corso Push Trolley 23319

SKU: 23319

Manufacturer: Tractel,  Model: Corso Push Trolley,  P/N: 22319,  Capacity: 1-Ton,  Standard I-Beam Flange Width: 2.28 to 8.66”,  Flange adjustment with removable crank handle (supplied as standard),  Weight: 31 Lbs. 


Corso Push Trolley
- Models from ½ to 5 ton
- Wheels are sealed-for-life ball bearings
- Quick adjustment to the size of the steel beam using crank
- Large adjustment range
- Derailment guard
- Tipping guard
- Very Low Headroom
- Extended hanger bars available for wide flange (up to 11.8”)